Delegation of the Institute participates in the work of the WIPO Diplomatic Conference for the conclusion of design treaty

Riyadh, 11 November 2024 – Delegation of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina is participating in the work of the diplomatic conference of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for the conclusion of the design treaty, taking place from 11 to 22 November 2024 in the capital of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh.
Around 900 delegates, observers and other stakeholders from around the world have registered to take part in the diplomatic conference, which is set to end nearly two decades of negotiations between WIPO member states on the subject.
The future Design Law Treaty (DLT) aims to streamline the global design protection system, making it easier, faster, and more accessible for designers to protect their work in domestic markets as well as abroad.
“Design protection secures the rights of creators the world over and is a critical tool for maintaining competitive advantage, encouraging innovation and protecting businesses in a global marketplace,” said WIPO Director General Daren Tang. He urged negotiators to approach the outstanding negotiations in a spirit of constructiveness and cooperation, to build bridges and to identify the common ground that will allow for conclusion of this important work.
Delegation of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina participating in the work of the diplomatic conference includes Director Josip Merdžo, Deputy Director Zdravko Kašković and Assistant Director Boris Sesar.