Director Merdžo participated in the panel organized by AMUS "From Inspiration to Innovation: Legal Protection of Creativity in the Digital Era and New Horizons"

Sarajevo, September 26, 2024 - Director of the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Josip Merdžo, participated in the panel entitled "From Inspiration to Innovation: Legal Protection of Creativity in the Digital Era and New Horizons", organized by the Association of Composers – Music Creators (AMUS) as part of the 9th Regional Forum of Innovation, Digital Technologies and Entrepreneurship "Sarajevo Unlimited".
Director Merdžo informed the attendees about the drafting of a set of new laws that regulate the field of intellectual property in BiH. "I believe that the information that could be heard during this conference will help not only in understanding certain relationships and conditions, but also in preparing certain entities for a new and improved regulation of the market in this segment", said Director Merdžo.
The panel was moderated by copyright and related rights expert Mirza Hajrić, with the participation of Elvir Švrakić, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AMUS and Nenad Marčec, Director of the Music Copyright Protection Service of the Croatian Composers' Society (HDS ZAMP).
Current legal frameworks, challenges, as well as future perspectives for innovation in the digital space were the topic of discussion at the panel. The panelists presented experiences and looked at the facts about how legal regulation can support creativity and innovation in a global, digitally connected society.
Finally, they emphasized how extremely important it is to find a balance between the protection of intellectual property and the free flow of information in an era in which ideas and creative products are increasingly available.
The panel was also attended by the participants of the 25th Regional Meeting of Collective Organizations for the Protection of the Rights of Authors of Musical Works, which took place on September 25 in Sarajevo, organized by AMUS.